However, I've been finding it unusually hard to intuit the definitive title for my memoir. Yellow Ochre, Brushing off Fate, Still life with Sunflowers, coming back to Flight of Faith, the original title and a sentimental favourite with a good tie in to the book, but somehow sounding too ecclesiastical (see previous post). So... announcing the latest manifestation: Under A Tuscan Spell. The Artist's tale.
Cortona |
And where am I regards finding a publisher? Well, moving slowly, no scatter-gun approach, trying to tailor my queries and target Literary agents and Publishers one by one. I have done my home work and am resigned to the long haul, all the time praying for that magic to happen, when events unfold smoothly, synchronistically, along the path of least resistance!
The tally so far: deemed refusals from 2 publishers and 2 literary agent. Contacted 3 authors, including Ms Mayes and David Malouf -no response. I know David because he lived in Tuscany and figures in the memoir so I have sent him a hard copy of the ms, but am not sure if his address is still current because I haven't seen him for ten years.
Don't you hate that? When you don't hear back and are left wondering if your missive ever arrived? Like emails, you can never be 100% sure if the no-reply is deliberate or completely innocent and you have to weigh up whether or not to re-send. I have a friend who thinks he has resolved the problem with an email application that lets him know if his email has been opened. The annoying thing as the recipient is that you are obliged to click on a link in the body of the email in order to read his message.
What I have learnt today: despondency only leads to defeat. And recently I heard this one: it's not a question of give and take but rather give and give.
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